Causes or Reasons of Headache

Headaches are very common thing that you will hear. Almost all of us have experienced headache at one stage or another. Headache is a pain which a person senses in his nerves and muscles of head and the neck. Not only head and neck but also it can be in covering or brain or any area of the Spinal cord. The causes of headache may be due to physical or emotional. As you see reasons for headaches are plenty.

Causes and Reasons of Headache
Reasons For Headaches:
  • Tension happens to be causing headache, since the brain is pressurized with lot of stress. 
  • The hot weather is also one of the reasons because when the temperature rises, so does the incidence of migraine or severe headache.
  • High blood pressure also rushes the blood into the capillaries of the brain, which triggers the pain sensory. 
  • If you wear glasses or contact lenses, your eyesight may have changed and you may require a new prescription.
  • Caused by stress, hormonal imbalance, nutrients deficiencies can lead to headaches. 
  • If you miss a meal, your head can start to understand that it hurts before you are hungry.
  • Even the hair can affect your head because tight ponytail can strain the connective tissue on the scalp, creating a headache.
  • Diabetics are also one of the reasons for headache.


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