Thursday 28 February 2013

Anger and Health

Anger is a powerful emotion and every human has experienced anger. The effects of anger on health have more to do with duration that frequently and intensity. Uncontrollable anger can lead to arguments, physical fights, physical abuse and self harm. On the other hand, well managed anger can be a useful emotion that motivates you to make positive changes.

Some of the short term and long term health problems that have been linked to unmanaged anger includes headache, depression, heart attack, stroke, high blood pressure, skin problems, digestion problems.

Anger and Health

Effects of anger on health:
  • Angry people consume more alcohol as a way to deal with their unwanted anger.
  • People who don’t know how to express their anger often find themselves using food as a way to comfort themselves.
  • Anger is indirectly associated with smoking. Intensely angry people are 65% more likely to be smokers.
  • Angry people are 3 times the risk for high blood pressure than non-angry peoples.
Control anger by using these tips:
  • Just talking to friends can often help to reduce the anger.
  • Meditation can allow you to breath, relax, reflect on the situation and take a critical look at why you are angry.
  • Do something physical, such as going for a run or playing sport.
  • If you feel out of control then just walk away from the situation until you cool down. 

Wednesday 27 February 2013

Risks of Drinking Soda

Nowadays, Soda has become one of the most popular drinks consumed by people, especially in the form of soft drinks. It's nothing but sugar water. It's devoid of any nutritional value. It leads to obesity and diabetes. With the emergence of soft drink manufacturing and exporting brands like Coca Cola and Pepsi, soda has become like the trademark representing the younger generation. Peoples have started guzzling down bottles of soda, without thinking even slightly about any potential side effects. Here we have listed the side effects of drinking soda.

Risks of Drinking Soda
  • Soda doesn’t have any nutritional value. If you drink it regularly you are just adding on empty calories.
  • There is high sugar content in soda. So too much of consumption of the drink can easily make you put on excessive weight.
  • Carmel color is made from the chemical caramel, is purely cosmetic, it doesn’t add flavor yet is tainted with carcinogens. 
  • Every can of soda contains carbonic acid, which is a highly corrosive material. Hence, regular and frequent consumption of drinking soda can cause unimaginable damage to the human body.
  • Excessive consumption of soda can result in high blood sugar, which can lead to faintness, rapid heart rate and dehydration.
  • The food dyes impaired brain function, hyperactive behavior, difficulty in focusing and lack of impulse control. 
  • Soda is also loaded with caffeine, which is a stimulant, the reason why it develops into an addiction soon. Consumption of excess of caffeine can cause irritability and restlessness. 

Monday 25 February 2013

Tips for Healthy Eyes

Your eyes are your windows to the world and they are the important part of your health. As we grow older, we experience weaker vision. In addition, our risk for vision problems that can affect our lifestyle and independence increases. Follow these simple tips for maintaining healthy eyes.

Tips for Healthy Eyes
  • If working for long periods in front of system then try to take breaks every 20 minutes to half an hour.
  • Stop smoking. Smokers are up to three times more likely to develop cataracts than non-smokers.
  • Carrots are good for eyes. But eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables is important for keeping your eyes healthy.
  • Make sure you sit about 50-60 cm away from your computer screen and that there is no light reflecting off the monitor.
  • If you have something in your eye, don't rub it. Lens wearers should take them out and clean them thoroughly.
  • Wear protective eye wear when playing sports or doing anything around your home.
  • Protect your eyes from the sun. Over-exposure to rays can cause a number of problems.
  • Never use old make-ups. Replace your make-up regularly and don’t use mascara or eyeliner that’s more than six months old.
  • It is very important to have a regular eye test. If you notice any changes in your vision, pain in or around your eyes or if you keep getting headaches also consult your doctor.

Friday 22 February 2013

10 Ways to keep you warm in winter

Ways to keep you warm in winter

Everyone is struggling to keep themselves warm during the winter season. There is no doubt that the cold weather can be a worry for a number of reasons. Cold can cause illness and affect your health, and even kill in severe cases, with the elderly and young at most risk. Cold weather can lead to other serious health problems such as strokes, heart attack and pneumonia and hypothermia.

It is very important to keep yourself warm in winter. And it is really easy to do so. Just follow these easy steps, and you'll be able to enjoy your winter to the fullest.
  • Try to keep the temperature in the rooms you use as close to 70F (22C) as possible, and not lower than 65F (19C)
  • When it’s cold, it’s very important to dress warmly, and to protect your head, hands and feet. Wear socks, a dressing gown, gloves, and most important of all is to wear a night cap.
  • Eat soup and other warm meals, as well as hot beverages throughout the day. Even just holding a hot mug of tea, coffee or soup can help warm you up.
  • One of the best ways to keep warm is to exercise. It stimulates circulation and keeps the blood flowing to all parts of the body.
  • Candles are a valuable heat source that can be used to keep you warm, but be careful while using them.
  • Make sure there are no gaps around windows and doors. Get them sealed before the onset of winter.
  • Wear multiple layers of clothes. Multiple layers of thin clothes are much more effective then a single layer of thick clothes. 
  • Taking a hot bath or shower will raise your body temperature and warm you up.
  • Try to keep your body moving. Movement helps generate heat and fight cold.
  • Thick carpet on tiled or stone floors will help prevent heat loss
All these are simple, yet effective techniques to keep you warm in the winters. Follow them wisely and you'll be easily able to beat the cold. 

Thursday 21 February 2013

Kidney Damaging Habits

For many people, kidney disease has a relationship with the unhealthy habits. Kidney disease is one of the costliest illnesses in the world and managing kidney disease is very expensive. The vast majority of people with kidney disease don't know it. That's because it damages the organs slowly over many years before causing symptoms.

Kidney Damaging Habits

Bad living habits may hurt your kidneys that you may not know. The following information is about the unhealthy habits which can cause kidney disease and hope it could be helpful and if you have these unhealthy habits, then please quit it.

Habits that cause damage to Kidney:
  • Not drinking enough water
  • Overeating
  • Not treating common infections quickly and properly
  • Eating foods high in salt is complete wrong
  • Eating too much of meat
  • Consuming floppy breads
  • Drinking too much of alcohol
  • Drinking beverage without limitation
  • Not emptying your bladder early
  • Not resting enough

Wednesday 20 February 2013

Tips to keep a Healthy Bones

Bones are responsible for providing the structural framework for your body. So it is important to keep them stronger and healthy. The body is creating new bone faster, but after age 30, the bone building balance naturally shifts and more bones are lost than gained.

 Tips to keep a Healthy Bones

Tips to have healthy bones:
  • Get plenty of Vitamin D: Vitamin D is absolutely essential for your body to absorb and utilize calcium. Although some is found in oily fish, our main source comes from the effect of sunlight on your skin.
  • Avoid substance abuse: don’t smoke and avoid drinking more than two alcoholic drinks a day.
  • Right moves: Another vital way to boost your bones is weight-bearing exercise, basically anything that has you upright and stretching your muscles.
  • Boost bone with Vitamin K: It is s mostly known for helping out with blood clotting, but it also helps the body make proteins for healthy bones.
  • Potassium: It isn't necessarily known for aiding bone health but also it’s a mineral that helps nerves and muscles communicate and also help cells remove waste.
  • Boost calcium consumption: This mineral is essential for the proper development of teeth and bones.
  • Eat prunes: They may help slow the rate of bone loss and reduce your risk of developing osteoporosis. Start with two or three prunes a day and gradually increase to six to 10. 

Monday 18 February 2013

Basics of Blood Donation

There is no substitute for blood donation and giving blood regularly saves lives. Donating blood doesn't have any side affects on your health. In fact, there are several benefits of donating blood. Human Body just takes 24 hours to generate the equivalent amount of blood which one donates. Average human body has around 10 units of blood out of which one unit is taken during donation.

Basics of Blood Donation

If you satisfy all the following conditions, you can donate blood:
  • You have to between age group of 18-60 years
  • Your hemoglobin should be 12.5% minimum
  • Your weight should be 45 kgs or more
  • Your last blood donation was to be up to 3 or more months earlier
  • You should be healthy and have not suffered from malaria, typhoid or other diseases in the recent past

Blood Groups


A+, AB+
A+, A-, O+, O-
O+, A+, B+, AB+
O+, O-
B+, AB+
B+, B-, O+, O-
A+, A-, AB+, AB-
A-, O-
B+, B-, AB+, AB-
B-, O-
AB+, AB-
AB-, A-, B-, O-

Sunday 17 February 2013

Correct timing and Right way to Drink Water

Water has always been an important and life sustaining drinks to human. One can survive without food for 40 days, but one’s health will gradually deteriorate without water after 2 days depending on temperature and amount of body water loss.

Correct timing and Right way to Drink Water

It is well known fact that drinking plenty of water is good for health but how and when is also important for maximum benefit. Drinking water at correct timing will maximize its effectiveness on the human body.

Correct timing for Drinking Water:
  • Drink two glasses of water after waking up. This will help to activate the internal organs.
  • Drink one glass of water 30 minutes before meals. This helps in digestion.
  • Drink one glass of water before taking a bath. This helps to lower your blood pressure.
  • Drink one glass of water before bedtime. This helps to avoid stroke or heart attack.
  • Drink one glass of water before workouts. This helps to arm you against dehydration during an indoor or outdoor workout.
  • Drink water after workouts. This helps to replace fluids lost by sweating and physical labor.
  • Drinking water each day before or after going out in public can help to prevent certain types of viruses, or lessen their severity.

Right ways to Drink Water:
  • Prefer to drink water in glass rather than by bottle directly.
  • Avoid too much water at a time. Don’t fill your stomach with all water.
  • Drink more and more water when you are ill.
  • Make a habit of taking water with you anywhere you go in bottle or any other container you like.
  • If you are allowed to take water with your medication, do so. Water helps to dissolve the medication and spread it throughout your digestive organs for rapid absorption. 

Saturday 16 February 2013

Natural Remedies for Headache

Everyone suffers from a headache at some point in their lives and some peoples get headaches from time to time. A variety of causes are responsible for the headache, including physical as well as mental. There are several natural remedies for headaches, but you should keep in mind that most natural methods of treatment are unreliable and not backed by scientific research.

Natural Remedies for Headache

Tips to eliminate Headaches Naturally:
  • Try to engage in relaxation therapy. You can do this in various ways such as deep breathing and meditation. These are helpful when done regularly.
  • Massage therapy can also be used to relieve headaches as it helps to relax the head, neck, shoulders and back muscles.
  • Exercises such as swimming, walking or jogging increase blood circulation and the fresh air will also help to get relive from headache.
  • Drink peppermint tea or otherwise mix several drops of peppermint oil in carrier oil and massage into the temples. Whether used internally or externally, peppermint can help to relieve a headache.
  • Limit foods rich in sodium (salt), saturated fats, cholesterol, Trans fats, and added sugars.
  • Apply ice pack on your head, throat, shoulders, and back of your neck. You will get rid of headache to some extent and feel better.
  • Sound sleep for good amount of time can surely help headaches suffers in many ways.
  • A common cause of headaches which is often ignored is dehydration. Drinking plenty of water will help to relieve pain.
  • If working at a desk or computer workstation, get up and walk around regularly to reduce tension in your neck and shoulders.
  • Avoid sleeping in cold rooms. Maintain your bedroom temperature up to at least 68 degrees.
  • Boiling fresh ginger or dried ginger powder in water and then inhaling the steam is also effective. 

Friday 15 February 2013

Tips to Control High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure can strike at any age, but is more common the older you get. High blood pressure may cause no symptoms but can do immense harm to the body like it increases the risk of heart disease, kidney disease and stroke. If high blood pressure isn't controlled with lifestyle change and medicine, it can lead to the above mentioned diseases. High blood pressure is a leading cause of death worldwide, but is easily avoided with a few simply lifestyle changes.

Tips to Control High Blood Pressure

Here are some tips to taking control of your blood pressure:
  • Keep a heavy weight. Being overweight adds to your risk of high blood pressure.
  • Increase your physical activity. Do at least 30 minutes of moderate activity, such as walking, jogging, most days of the week.
  • A diet rich in fruits and vegetables, whole grains and low fat dairy products may lower blood pressure.
  • All adults over than 20 years should have regular medical check ups.
  • Limit alcohol consumption and avoid smoking. Smoking increases your risk for high blood pressure and heart disease.
  • Use spices and herbs instead of salt to season the food you prepare at home.
  • Blood pressure naturally increases when you are under stress and this can’t be easily fought or escaped. So it’s important to discover your own triggers and take steps to reduce them.
  • Almost all packaged foods contain sodium. Every time you prepare or eat a packaged food, know how much sodium is in one serving.

Wednesday 13 February 2013

Natural Remedies to Stop Dry Cough at Night

Coughing is more than just an annoyance. Coughing can cause severe pain to the throat and affect your ability to deliver a talk. Nighttime coughing can be a nuisance for individuals suffering from a cold or illness. It may interfere with sleep, and daily functioning of the affected person. Dry cough usually worsens at night.

Dry cough can be present in people with various respiratory conditions, such as asthma, bronchitis, COPD, cystic fibrosis and many others. In most people, the problem gets worse at night due to additional CO2 losses.

Natural Remedies to Stop Dry Cough at Night

Remedies to stop dry cough:
  • Keep your head elevated while sleeping. Use more pillows than usual.
  • Add some lemon slices into a cup of tea along with one or two tbsp of honey. This can reduce your cough at night.
  • Pour some hot water in a large vessel and cover your head with a towel. This creates a steamy environment inside and by inhaling steam helps moisturize throat and reduce irritation.
  • Learn how to cough only through the nose (i.e., with your mouth closed all the time). It will help you to reduce irritation of airways and bronchospasm, and will increase oxygen levels in body cells and the brain.
  • Add two tbsp of honey into a glass of warm milk and drink it just before bedtime. This is a great way to stop coughing at night.
  • Apply vapor rub on chest which can help relieve nighttime coughing. It still works great on your kids as well.
  • Every night before going to bed, put a small piece of freshly cut ginger and chew it slowly and swallow the juice.
  • Mix 1 tbsp of table salt in a glass of warm water and gargle. Don’t swallow the water though. You can do this multiple times a day or whenever your throat becomes irritated by coughing. 

Tuesday 12 February 2013

Dangerous Acts to avoid after Meals

Don’t act the below actions after you have a meal:

Don’t eat fruits immediately: immediately eating fruits after meals will cause stomach to be bloated with air. So you just take 1 or 2 hours after meals or 1 hour before meals.

Don’t eat fruits immediately

Don’t loosen your belt: loosing the belt after the meals will cause the intestine to be twisted and blocked.

Don’t loosen your belt

Don’t smoke: Experiments from experts proves that smoking a cigarette after meal is comparable to smoking 10 cigarettes. Also there the chances of cancer are higher in this case.

Don’t smoke

Don’t drink tea: Tea leaves contain a high content of acid. This substance will cause the protein content in the food we consume to be hundred thus difficult to digest.

Don’t drink tea

Don’t bath: This will cause the increase of blood flow to the hands, legs and body. Thus the amount of blood around the stomach will therefore decrease. This will also weaken the digestive system in your stomach.
Don’t bath

Don’t sleep immediately: The food we intake will not be digested properly. Thus, this immediately sleeping will lead to gastric and infection in your intestine.

Don’t sleep immediately

Don’t walk: People usually say that after a meal walking a hundred steps will make you live till 99. But actually this is not true. Walking will cause the digestive system unable to absorb the nutrition from the food we intake.

Don’t walk

Don’t do sports: after eating a heavy meal, you have to wait for 30 minutes to 2 hours before going for an exercise. If you immediately do exercises without waiting, then it leads to heart spasms or sudden death. 

Don’t do sports

Monday 11 February 2013

Nutritional Values and Health Benefits of Pomegranate

Nutritional Values and Health Benefits of Pomegranate

Pomegranate has high nutritional values and numerous health benefits. This fruit is quite popular for its deep and purple-colored juice that is packed with lots of antioxidants that may help in maintaining a smooth and wrinkle free skin. This article gives information on the nutritional values and health benefits of Pomegranate.

Nutritional Values:
Nutritionally speaking, pomegranates compare favorably to too many more familiar fruits. They contain no fat, low sugar and only 80 calories per 100-gram serving, yet they offer 5 grams of fiber and 15 percent of the recommended daily allowance of vitamin C.
Pomegranate juice is rich in antioxidants. This nutrition information applies to pomegranate juice, not to the sweetened mixture of juice and simple syrup called grenadine.

Health Benefits of Pomegranate:
  • Protects the Neonatal Brain: The maternal consumption of pomegranate juice may protect the neonatal brain from damage after injury.
  • Lung Cancer Prevention: It is shown that pomegranate juice may inhibit the development of lung cancer.
  • Fights against Breast Cancer: Pomegranate juice destroys breast cancer cells while leaving healthy cells alone. It may also prevent breast cancer cells from forming.
  • Lowers Cholesterol: It lowers LDL (bad cholesterol) and raises HDL (good cholesterol).
  • Beneficial for heart disorders: Regular intake of pomegranate juice is highly beneficial for people suffering from heart disorders.
  • Supports Immune system: the antioxidants present in pomegranate are thought to help support the immune system.
  • Lowers Blood Pressure: Drinking 1.7 ounces of pomegranate juice per day lowers systolic blood pressure by as much as 5 percent.

First Aid for Heart Attack

 A heart attack occurs when one or more arteries supplying your heart with blood and oxygen become blocked. This loss of blood flow injuries your heart muscles. Heart attack is one of the leading causes of death the world over. It is a medical emergency, and no mistake should be made about that. 

First Aid for Heart Attack

You need to stay focused and act fast at the first sign of the symptoms of a heart attack. Most of these deaths take place, because proper first aid or medical attention is not given between the time the person has the attack and the time the person reaches a hospital. 

Symptoms of a Heart Attack:
  • Sweating
  • Vomiting
  • Shortness of breath
  • Low pulse
  • Dizziness
  • Heaviness or discomfort in chest

In case of a heart attack, remember the following:
  • Don’t leave the person alone and immediately call for medical help
  • If they happen to wear tight clothing, loosen it a bit making it easier for the victim to breathe
  • If the person is conscious, and they aren't allergic to Aspirin, give them a 300 mg tablet of Aspirin to chew.
  • If the person is unconscious and unresponsive, CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) should be performed.

CPR steps:
cardiopulmonary resuscitation
  1. Place the patient on his/her back.
  2. Put the heel of your hand on the patient’s chest midway.
  3. Push down so that the chest is pressed inward one to one and a half inches.
  4. Perform 100 pumps per minute (almost two per seconds) until help arrives.

Friday 8 February 2013

Cough and Cold Remedies

Having a cough can be uncomfortable and annoying when you are trying to get through your day. The cough that acts up at night can also disrupt your sleep. Cough and cold are the common health problem during winter by which most of them suffers from it. To prevent this from happening, one should drink a lot of water, eat healthy food, have enough rest, and stay away from stress to build enough resistance to diseases. Cold is also the most common reason for visiting the doctor.

Children are even more prone candidates to cold, since statistics show that children fall of virus infection at least 6 to 10 times a year. The common cold usually lasts for one week, although it may be extended for up to 2 weeks, it can be cured without treatment. If you notice that your cold lasts more than two weeks, then it is something serious and you should visit your doctor.

Cough and Cold Remedies

Symptoms of cold are:
  • Low fever
  • Runny nose
  • Sore throat
  • Diminished sense of taste and smell
  • Sneezing
  • Watery eyes

Ways to cure from Cold and Cough:
  • Try to avoid drinks containing caffeine and alcohol because those substances tend to dehydrate our body and this is not what we want while we are cold.
  • For cold, steam inhalation is the best home remedy.
  • Cut ginger into long thin strips (julienne). One strip of ginger placed in the mouth can act as a throat lozenge.
  • Smoking when you are cold has additional disadvantages. Smoking can aggravate the symptoms of cold, while aggravating can also be passive smoking. So avoid smoking.
  • Gargle with hot water by adding a pinch of salt into it, it helps in curing the sore throat.
  • Many people consider a warm soup as the best cure for cold. Chicken soup reduces the swelling of the nasal cavities and help in the faster cure from common cold. 

Thursday 7 February 2013

Tips to get relief from Ear Pain

Ear pain can occur due to allergy, filling of wax in the ear, chillness, entry of any foreign body in the ear or infection in the Eustachian tube which connects ears, nose and throat. Taking care of your ears doesn't require much effort but can be regarding in the long run. Most of us do get our earaches out of the way in childhood; there are times when adults get them. Ear infections usually don’t go away automatically. Here are some tips that you can consider to adopt to get relief.

Tips to get relief from Ear Pain

  • Clean your ears with extra care. Wipe the outer ear with a washcloth or tissue.
  • If you experience itching or pain in your ears, consult with your primary care physician to determine the appropriate treatment and to determine if you need to see a specialist.
  • Avoid exposure to loud sound and loud firecrackers.
  • If you have pain while you are lying down, sit down with head held up straight.
  • Take care to avoid wetting the ear. Close the ears with cotton swabs, while bathing.
  • Don’t use headphones for long periods and keep at low volume if using them at all.
  • Avoid cold food and water.
  • Apply coconut oil to the ear or put a drop of it in the ear and you can also put a drop of clove oil in the ear cavity if you suffer from ear pain.
  • Some medications can affect hearing. Take medications only as directed, and consult your doctor if you experience unusual hearing, balance problems, or ringing in the ears.

Tuesday 5 February 2013

Health Benefits of Apples

An apple a day keeps the doctor away for a variety of ills. Delicious and crunchy apple fruit is one of the most popular fruits, favorite of health conscious, fitness lovers who believe in the concept “health is wealth”. Many researches have found that apples have many health benefits and they are also low in calories.

Health Benefits of Apples

One medium apple is the recommended serving size and it contains about 65 calories. Apples contain Vitamin A, Calcium and Iron all at about 1% of your daily recommended intake. Vitamin C can be found in a medium apple at 10% of your daily intake. One apple also provides 12% of what is recommended daily for Dietary Fiber.

Benefits of Apple:
  • The pectin in apples lowers bad cholesterol. People who eat two apples per day may lower their cholesterol by as much as 16 percent.
  • Biting and chewing an apple stimulates the production of saliva in your mouth, reducing tooth decay by lowering the levels of bacteria.
  • Apple also contains a small amount of minerals like potassium, phosphorus, and calcium. This helps controlling heart rate and blood pressure; thus, counters the bad influences of sodium.

  • Research found that rats fed an extract from apple skins had a 57 percent lower risk of liver cancer. So apples prevent form liver cancer.
  • Apples can be used to help in the treatment and prevention of some illnesses. Some of these include asthma.
  • Apples are also useful in the management of diabetes. Galacturonic acid, found in apples, lowers the body’s need for insulin. 
  • It has been found that women who ate three apples per day lost more weight while dieting than women who did not eat fruit while dieting.
  • This fruit has been linked to an uptick in acetylcholine production, which communicates between nerve cells. So apples may help your memory and lower your chances of developing Alzheimer's.

Monday 4 February 2013

Tips for Healthy Eating while Travelling

Travelling whether for a vacation or for work, can take it toll on your healthy eating habits. It is easy to give up on your diet or general healthy eating plan while you're traveling. After being on a wholesome organic diet for some time, eating foods with pesticide residues, and toxic additives and sweeteners can easily produce a temporary, adverse health reaction.

You may maintain a nice eating diet while home, but once you our out on travel, all of that seems to go out the window. When you travel, the planning needs to happen before you leave home and will finish when you get home.

Tips for Healthy Eating while Travelling

Eating tips for Healthy Travel:
  • Pack a water bottle and keep it full because it is very important to stay hydrated when you travel. This will also help to keep you hydrated, energetic and prevents unnecessary hunger.
  • Try to take easy and healthy snacks. Fruits, cut up veggies and nuts are great options. You can also take fresh fruits like apples, bananas, oranges, etc.
  • Eat local foods. One of the great things about travel is the fact that you get a chance to eat locally grown produce as well as the local cuisine from an area. 
  • Don’t forget to eat breakfast. Breakfast helps prime your system and prepares you for a full day of activities or business meetings.
  • Avoid fast-food outlets. Though they may be a comforting choice when you're in a new city, but these kinds of meal options are often high in fat and calories.
  • Keep your immune system up by not skipping on your vitamins. This is particularly important if you’re not eating as much fruit and veggies are you normally would.
  • When booking a hotel for your travels make sure there is some kind of gym. A little exercise will make your travel more comfortable and give you the energy to make the most of your days. 

Sunday 3 February 2013

Benefits of Meditation

Benefits of Meditation

  • Restores balanced function to the digestive system, aiding absorption of nutrients.
  • Meditation helps to simplify your lives. Through learning to meditate we find we get joy from appreciating the simplicity of life.
  • Meditation helps releases fears.
  • It helps in building skills to manage your stress.
  • It reduces negative emotions
  • It helps in improved flow of air to the lungs resulting in easier breathing.
  • Meditation diminishes intensity of headache or migraines.
  • Helps with focus and concentration
  • Helps to keep your blood pressure normal
  • It generates optimism, self esteem, confidence and motivation.
  • It helps living in the present moment
  • It helps to reduce heart diseases and helps with weight loss.
  • It develops greater communication between the two brain hemispheres
  •  Increased ability to solve complex problems and self-actualization
  • Deeper understanding of yourself and others
  • Discovery of the power and consciousness beyond the ego