Monday 4 February 2013

Tips for Healthy Eating while Travelling

Travelling whether for a vacation or for work, can take it toll on your healthy eating habits. It is easy to give up on your diet or general healthy eating plan while you're traveling. After being on a wholesome organic diet for some time, eating foods with pesticide residues, and toxic additives and sweeteners can easily produce a temporary, adverse health reaction.

You may maintain a nice eating diet while home, but once you our out on travel, all of that seems to go out the window. When you travel, the planning needs to happen before you leave home and will finish when you get home.

Tips for Healthy Eating while Travelling

Eating tips for Healthy Travel:
  • Pack a water bottle and keep it full because it is very important to stay hydrated when you travel. This will also help to keep you hydrated, energetic and prevents unnecessary hunger.
  • Try to take easy and healthy snacks. Fruits, cut up veggies and nuts are great options. You can also take fresh fruits like apples, bananas, oranges, etc.
  • Eat local foods. One of the great things about travel is the fact that you get a chance to eat locally grown produce as well as the local cuisine from an area. 
  • Don’t forget to eat breakfast. Breakfast helps prime your system and prepares you for a full day of activities or business meetings.
  • Avoid fast-food outlets. Though they may be a comforting choice when you're in a new city, but these kinds of meal options are often high in fat and calories.
  • Keep your immune system up by not skipping on your vitamins. This is particularly important if you’re not eating as much fruit and veggies are you normally would.
  • When booking a hotel for your travels make sure there is some kind of gym. A little exercise will make your travel more comfortable and give you the energy to make the most of your days. 

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