Wednesday 27 February 2013

Risks of Drinking Soda

Nowadays, Soda has become one of the most popular drinks consumed by people, especially in the form of soft drinks. It's nothing but sugar water. It's devoid of any nutritional value. It leads to obesity and diabetes. With the emergence of soft drink manufacturing and exporting brands like Coca Cola and Pepsi, soda has become like the trademark representing the younger generation. Peoples have started guzzling down bottles of soda, without thinking even slightly about any potential side effects. Here we have listed the side effects of drinking soda.

Risks of Drinking Soda
  • Soda doesn’t have any nutritional value. If you drink it regularly you are just adding on empty calories.
  • There is high sugar content in soda. So too much of consumption of the drink can easily make you put on excessive weight.
  • Carmel color is made from the chemical caramel, is purely cosmetic, it doesn’t add flavor yet is tainted with carcinogens. 
  • Every can of soda contains carbonic acid, which is a highly corrosive material. Hence, regular and frequent consumption of drinking soda can cause unimaginable damage to the human body.
  • Excessive consumption of soda can result in high blood sugar, which can lead to faintness, rapid heart rate and dehydration.
  • The food dyes impaired brain function, hyperactive behavior, difficulty in focusing and lack of impulse control. 
  • Soda is also loaded with caffeine, which is a stimulant, the reason why it develops into an addiction soon. Consumption of excess of caffeine can cause irritability and restlessness. 

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