Friday 22 February 2013

10 Ways to keep you warm in winter

Ways to keep you warm in winter

Everyone is struggling to keep themselves warm during the winter season. There is no doubt that the cold weather can be a worry for a number of reasons. Cold can cause illness and affect your health, and even kill in severe cases, with the elderly and young at most risk. Cold weather can lead to other serious health problems such as strokes, heart attack and pneumonia and hypothermia.

It is very important to keep yourself warm in winter. And it is really easy to do so. Just follow these easy steps, and you'll be able to enjoy your winter to the fullest.
  • Try to keep the temperature in the rooms you use as close to 70F (22C) as possible, and not lower than 65F (19C)
  • When it’s cold, it’s very important to dress warmly, and to protect your head, hands and feet. Wear socks, a dressing gown, gloves, and most important of all is to wear a night cap.
  • Eat soup and other warm meals, as well as hot beverages throughout the day. Even just holding a hot mug of tea, coffee or soup can help warm you up.
  • One of the best ways to keep warm is to exercise. It stimulates circulation and keeps the blood flowing to all parts of the body.
  • Candles are a valuable heat source that can be used to keep you warm, but be careful while using them.
  • Make sure there are no gaps around windows and doors. Get them sealed before the onset of winter.
  • Wear multiple layers of clothes. Multiple layers of thin clothes are much more effective then a single layer of thick clothes. 
  • Taking a hot bath or shower will raise your body temperature and warm you up.
  • Try to keep your body moving. Movement helps generate heat and fight cold.
  • Thick carpet on tiled or stone floors will help prevent heat loss
All these are simple, yet effective techniques to keep you warm in the winters. Follow them wisely and you'll be easily able to beat the cold. 

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