Tips for better Eyesight

tips for better eyesight

Nowadays many peoples are facing vision problem which can’t be corrected so easily. Eye is the most valuable organ which has to be protected carefully. It is the windows to the world and the eyes are always moving, even when you sleep. In fact, the eyes have over 2 million working parts and the ability to process 35 bits of information every hour. So don’t make your eye turn blind by not protecting it properly. 

10 Tips for Healthy Eyes
  • Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables like oranges and other citrus fruits or juices regularly. 
  • Eating foods like green leafy vegetables, egg, nuts, beans and other non meat protein sources can lead to good healthy eyes
  • Protect your eyes from sunlight because over exposure of rays can cause a number of problems. 
  • Do keep thin cucumber slices over your eyes.
  • Try to sleep eight ours per day and after getting up from sleep face your face with cold water. 
  • Take frequent break from computer to prevent eyestrain and tiredness. 
  • Drinking lemon juice once in a day helps for better eyesight
  • Drink carrot and cucumber juice with 1 tsp of honey. 
  • Exercises are also essential for having bright eyes. 
  • Smoking is dangerous for heart and lungs and it also causes harm for eyes. So it’s better to quit smoking habit. 


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