Wednesday 30 January 2013

Brain Damaging Habits

Brain Damaging Habits

Brain damage or brain injury is the destruction or degeneration of brain cells. Brain damage may occur due to a wide range of conditions, illnesses, or injuries. Common causes of focal or localized brain damage are physical trauma (traumatic brain injury), stroke, aneurysm, or neurological illness.

Avoid some of the Brain Damaging Habits:
Brain Damage
  • Avoiding Breakfast: Generally avoiding breakfast will have a lower blood sugar level. This leads to an insufficient supply of nutrients to the brain causing brain degeneration and to underperformance in terms of thinking, processing, and retrieval and memory skills.
  • Smoking: It causes multiple brain shrinkage and may lead to Alzheimer disease. Smoking is never useful to the health so try to avoid smoking.
  • Overeating: This can flood the brain with chemical which interferes with clear thinking, logical analysis and memory.
  • Lack of Stimulation: thinking is the best way to train your brain. Lack of stimulation can prevent new neural pathways from forming. So play brain stimulating games, solve puzzles.
  • High Sugar Consumption: Consuming too much sugar will interfere with the absorption of proteins and nutrients causing malnutrition and may interfere with brain development.
  • Sleep Deprivation: sleep allows your brain to rest. The present generation suffers from the curse of insomnia. Long term deprivation from sleep will accentuate the death of brain cells.
  • Air Pollution: this has been the greatest cause of worry for peoples living in cities. The brain is the largest consumer of oxygen in our body. When we inhale polluted air, it decreases the supply of oxygen to the brain, and brings a decrease in efficiency of the brain.
  • Talking rarely: The intellectual conversation will promote the efficiency of brain so share your thoughts and listen to the people.
  • Head covered while Sleeping: It is been found that sleeping with the head partially or fully covered by bedding would result in a 92.8% chance of suffering from either an early stage, middle stage, or late stage of dementia, by the age of 70.

Healthy Sweet Potato Salad

Potato Salad is a popular menu choice of cooks preparing food for a large number of people, because it is easily made in large quantities, it can be prepared in advance and refrigerated until needed, and requires inexpensive ingredients. This is often served with hot dogs, fried chicken, roasts, hamburgers and cold sandwiches. They are very tasty and filling, they are generally not the best thing to be eating it is also best to lose weight. This healthy and natural sweet potato salad cuts the calories down and is also packed with plenty of vitamins and minerals.

Healthy Sweet Potato Salad

  • 100ml of sour cream
  • 50ml of yogurt
  • 1 cooked, chopped large sweet potato (180g)
  • 1 chopped large onion (150g)
  • 1 chopped small cucumber (158g)
  • 1 tbsp of extra virgin olive oil (18ml)
  • 1 tbsp of healthy and natural mayonnaise (18ml)
  • 1 tsp of back pepper (6g)
  • 1 tsp of salt (6g)
Step 1: Add black pepper, extra virgin olive oil, healthy and natural mayonnaise, salt, sour cream and yogurt to the food processor and blend until the mixture becomes smooth.
Step 2: Add the onions and sweet potato to the sealable container, pour the blended mixture on top, stir well with the wooden spoon and seal
Step 3: Put the container in the fridge for a minimum of 4 hours to allow the dressing to fully soak into the onions and sweet potato.
Step 4: When it is time for the party, remove the sealable container from the fridge.
Step 5: If you are hosting the party, pour the healthy and natural sweet potato salad into the serving bowl, add a serving spoon and place it outside with the rest of the food. 

Tuesday 29 January 2013

Tips to grow taller after 18

All men and women wish to be tall and smart. We can easily make efforts to look smart and fit but it is not easy to gain height. Many people think that after reaching adulthood, you would be wondering how to grow taller after 18. It is possible on several factors and it is better to find out the natural ways to grow taller. Often, peoples are anxious to find out ways to grow taller and increase height. There may be some remedies to help you.

 Tips to grow taller after 18
Here are some height growth tips after 18 years of age:
  • Performing yoga on a regular basis can also help greatly. Some of the posture correction steps can easily help to increase height naturally.
  • A nutritious diet that includes fruits and vegetables, dairy, cereals, meat, and plenty of water will aid the natural process for enhancing height.
  • Like Chicken, Beef is another important source of protein. Take 100 gms of Beef daily.
  • Simple exercises like rope skipping, hanging from a bar, stretching the body by standing on your toes etc can be performed on a daily basis as a routine. 
  • Bad postures are one of the reasons for improper bone development or health. Maintain proper posture everyday.
  • Getting proper sleep is vital for the growth hormones to perform its function effectively. Not getting enough sleep can lower the amount of growth hormones your body produces.
  • Maintain your weight. It might become a hindrance in your growth.
  • Always try to eat on time, and do not skip meals for any reason. If you are not hungry, eat light meals.
  • You must make stretching workouts regularly which helps your bone structure retain the ability to lengthen. Fix up a rod in your room and hang over it when ever you have the time.
  • You should take up leisure activities like basket ball & swimming.
  • Skimmed Milk contains 100% protein and is free from fat. A daily consumption of 50 gm of Skimmed Milk after exercise or physical sports will provide adequate protein for your body. 

Olive and Health Benefits

Olive have a plethora of health benefits and they also have a very high content of Vitamin E. Olives and their oil contain many unique phenolic and aromatic compounds, including oleuroperin and flavonoids. There are over ten varieties of olives, based on the region they are harvested and the way they are cured. We rarely consume olives raw due to their bitter taste. Now let’s take a closer look at the benefits of adding olives and olive oil to your diet. 
Olive and Health Benefits

  • Eating olives will help to boost your iron intake because they contain substantial amount of iron which is the key factor in the formation of hemoglobin.
  • Olives and olive oil may also be effective in the prevention and treatment of asthma, cancer, and arthritis.
  • Olives also protect against ulcers. They help to combat the bacteria responsible for causing stomach ulcers.
  • Olives can be consumed in so many ways. They can be used in salads, sandwiches or meat and casserole toppings.
  • They protect against colon, breast and skin cancer.
  • They are also good for your heart
  • Although olives bring a lot of health benefits you should be mindful of the quantities we eat.
  • It stimulates the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. 

Monday 28 January 2013

Health Benefits of Turmeric

The health benefits of Turmeric have been recognized by Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine for hundreds of years. This is used to clear infections and inflammations on the inside and outside of the body. It has been used to treat everyday problems such as indigestion and as well as more serious problems such as arthritis, cancer, diabetes, HIV, high cholesterol, jaundice and liver disorders.

Turmeric also has an active medicinal ingredient called Curcumin. Curcumin in Turmeric powder helps in the breakdown of dietary fat. Therefore, taking one teaspoon of Turmeric powder with every meal may be an effective weight loss aid when combined with a healthy diet and exercise program.

Health Benefits of Turmeric

Benefits of Turmeric:
  • It has been shown to stop the growth of new blood vessels in tumors.
  • Curcumin inhibits the growth of a skin cancer (melanoma) and also slows the spread of breast cancer into the lungs.
  • It has long been used in Chinese medicine as a treatment for depression.
  • It prevents metastases from occurring in many different forms of cancer.
  • Since turmeric is an anti-inflammatory, it can help reduce the inflammation associated with asthma. Add 1 tsp of turmeric powder to a glass of warm milk, and drink this mixture as an effective asthma home remedy. 
  • It may aid in fat metabolism and help in weight management.
  • The antioxidant agents in Turmeric help reduce insulin resistance. Take one tsp of turmeric powder twice a day with meals.
  • Turmeric is a traditional remedy for various skin conditions. Turmeric powder mixed with water is a potent potion that cures skin allergies, fungal infections, pimples and insect bites.
  • It prevents blackheads and improves skin tone.
  • A teaspoon of the powder with warm milk is sure to ease your troubles away.
  • A natural antiseptic and antibacterial agent which is useful in disinfecting cuts and burns. It is also a natural pain killer. 

Sunday 27 January 2013

Dangerous Acts – After a Meal

  • Don’t Smoke – If we smoke a single cigarette after having a meal, which is equal to 10 cigarettes, and it results in a cancer in high.
  • Don’t Eat Fruits Immediately – Immediately eating fruits after meals means the stomach will bloated with air. So have fruits 2 hours after a meal or 1 hour before a meal.
  • Don’t Drink Tea – It will cause so difficult to digest the food, because tea leaves contains a acid, it will affect the protein contain in the food.
  • Don’t Loosen Your Belt – It will cause the intestine, easily to blocked and twisted.
  • Don’t Bathe – It will increase the blood circulation to the hands, legs, and body, So that the blood flow around the stomach will be decreased and, this will affect the digestive system.
  • Don’t Walk About – Walking after a meal, it will not allow to absorb the nutrition from the food, which we had.
  • Don’t Sleep Immediately – The food fails to digest properly, and it will cause some gastric problems to our intestine.

Wednesday 23 January 2013

Tips to quit Smoking

The purpose of writing this article is to help those who are willing to quit smoking. Among the most difficult things you can do would be to stop smoking. If you have tried to quit smoking and failed before, take comfort in the fact that most smokers fail several times before quitting successfully. Whenever you stop cigarettes, the benefits that the body may appreciate are many. The following tips will help you to quit smoking.

Tips to quit Smoking
  • Try to keep yourself busy by spending the time with you friends and family rather than having a cigarette. Keeping yourself busy will create a distance between you and cigarettes.
  • Drink lots of water and fluids to help flush out the nicotine and other poisons from your body. The urge to smoke only last for few minutes, then it passes away.
  • You must believe yourself that you can quit smoking completely. But there is no point of quitting if your heart doesn’t consent to your decision.
  • Write down all the reasons for quitting smoking and also write the bad things about smoking and keep it near you always. This will really help you.
  • Change your normal routine and take time to walk or jogging outside.
  • Hide all ashtrays and destroy all your cigarettes, preferably with water, so no part of them is smokeable. 
  • Ask your friends and family members not to smoke in the presence of you. This is more important and you will realize how much it can help you.
  • Make sure your family and friends know the news about your decision to quit. Ask them for their help as you will come across a short period of difficulty.

Thursday 17 January 2013

Tips for Back Pain Relief

Back Pain is a common problem among many peoples, not just the elderly and middle-aged people but also young people who work for long hours with their busy lifestyle. Most of the time back pain is short term and goes away on its own. Lifestyle has the biggest influence on back pain, and healthy habits such as a good diet, exercising, stretching, and posture can give you back pain relief or help you prevent future problems. 

Tips for Back Pain Relief

Here are some home remedies to help you deal with this problem.
  • Drink a glass of warm water mixed with a tsp of honey to soothe back pain.
  • Activity is often the best medicine for back pain. Simple exercises like walking can be very useful to get relief from back pain.
  • Staying healthy is one of the most important recommendations for avoiding back pain.
  • Massage your back with garlic oil to seek relief from back pain.
  • Push rather than pull when you are moving any heavy objects.
  • Poor posture is another major contributor of back pain. Standing up straight with your ears over your shoulders, your shoulders over your hip joints and your hip joints over your ankles will help keep your healthy pain-free. 
  • Soft mattresses push your back out of alignment, so it's best to choose a mattress that's in the range of medium to firm for back pain relief.
  • Deficiency of vitamin c makes one cause backache. So increase the vitamin c intake in your diet.
  • Wear flat shoes or shoes with low heel (1 inch or lower).
  • Apply a towel that has been squeezed after being soaked in hot salted water, on the back. Application of heat in this way will provide relief.
  • Try to quit smoking because smoking doesn’t just damage your lungs, it can also cause damage to your back. 

Wednesday 16 January 2013

Healthy Weight Gain Tips

Weight gain isn’t something that is easy to do; it requires patience and discipline to diet and training. Everyone talks about weight loss but there are many peoples who have been trying to put on the pounds. Being underweight may affect the body's bone strength, fertility and immune system. If you are looking to forward for gaining weight, then it is recommended to gain it in a healthy and safe way. So below are a few tips on healthy weight gain followed by a diet plan to gain weight fast. 

Healthy Weight Gain Tips

Tips on Healthy Weight Gain:
  • Food sources like fish, egg whites, and pretty much all other sources of protein should be consumed.
  • Increase your protein intake. Your body needs a lot of protein to build new muscle. But since most of the calories for weight gain come from carbohydrates and fats, do not replace them with protein.
  • Eat breakfast everyday. A well balanced is an excellent way to wake up your metabolism and your appetite.
  • If you are going to drink something, so pick fluids with calories.  Juices, milk and even an occasional soda will do the trick.  
  • Intake of food varies for people with different body types, so limit your intake when you are full and don’t overeat.
  • Eat a lot of high-calorie snacks (not junk food) such as cheese sticks, milk shakes, muffins, dried fruits, yoghurt and breakfast bars. Cereal with milk, ice cream, and hot chocolate can be great snacks to end your day.
  • Before going to bed have any light sandwich and one glass of milk. 
  • It may also be helpful to keep a record of what you are eating, and also how much physical activity you take. This will give you a better idea of any adjustments you need to make. 

Tuesday 15 January 2013

Tips to Improve Memory Power

 A strong memory depends on the health and vitality of your brain. A great memory is a vital resource. Always keep the mind energetic by working out it regularly and try to develop new abilities.The sub-conscious min and memory are two aspects which are deeply intertwined with one another.Memory improvement can be achieved in two ways that is by improving the health of your brain and by using memory skills.

Tips to Improve Memory Power

Tips to improve your Memory:
  • Relax and clear your mind of all other things and take deep and slow breaths through your nose. And focus what you are trying to remember.
  • Poor sleep can hurt your memory. If you have trouble sleeping at night or simply are not getting enough hours of sleep, it could be causing your memory problems.
  • Physical exercises increases blood flow to your whole body and has been shown to improve brain function. Exercises also reduce stress because stress is one of the greatest enemies of the mind.
  • It is important to exercise your brain and you have to continually use it and train it in ways that you don’t normally use it. Try things like brushing your teeth or writing with your non-dominant hand.  Learn a foreign language or a musical instrument.
  • Laughter is the best medicine, and that holds true for the brain as well as the body. Share your embarrassing moments. The best way to take ourselves less seriously is to talk about the times when we took ourselves too seriously.
  • Keeping your memory sharp can be fun with Nintendo, puzzles or brain games. These games are designed to help improve memory power, enhance concentration and get your memory in shape.
  • Believe in yourself, your brain can often do more than you imagine. Feeling worried or anxious about your occasional memory loss can make things worse. Always have positive thinking and work hard for your destination.                                  

Friday 11 January 2013

Tips for Healthy Teeth

Your teeth are meant to last for a lifetime. But germs and bacteria can build up in the mouth. This causes small holes in the teeth and red, puffy gums that bleed easily. These germs can also move through your body and affect other organs like your heart and lungs. Taking good care of your teeth and seeing your dentist will help keep your mouth and your body healthy.  Some of the below given tips can help to keep a stronger teeth life long. 

Tips for Healthy Teeth

  • Brush regularly and as soon as after eating. Brushing keeps small food particles from becoming giant feasts for unwanted bacteria.
  • Brush your tongue or use a tongue scraper in order to make your breath much better.
  • Quit smoking and chewing tobacco to reduce your risk of moth cancers, yellow teeth, bad breath and other problems.
  • Develop a habit of cleaning your teeth and gum with tongue every now and then.
  • Cleaning of teeth twice a day is a must. At least once a day is inexcusable.
  • Drink a cup of tea everyday as flavonoids and other ingredients in tea seem to prevent harmful bacteria from sticking to teeth.
  • Throw away your toothbrush or change the head of your electric toothbrush at least every two or three months.
  • Gargle with apple cider vinegar in the morning and then brush as usual. The vinegar helps help remove stains, whiten teeth, and kill bacteria in your mouth and gums.
  • Avoid soda and sugary foods like candy that can stick to your teeth and lead to tooth decay.
  • Never use your teeth as tools for anything except eating.
  • Foods that are firm or crisp help to clean the teeth as they are eaten. The choices include apples, raw carrots, celery and (unsweetened) popcorn. 

Thursday 10 January 2013

Causes of Liver Damage

Liver failure occurs when large parts of the liver become damaged beyond repair and the liver is no longer able to function. Significant liver damage you may have but you can’t realize the seriousness of your condition, because liver damage rarely produces symptoms until the damage is severe. The causes of liver damage may include lifestyle factors, certain medications and dietary supplements and chronic viral infections.  

The main causes of liver Damage includes:
Causes of Liver Damage
  • Sleeping too late and waking up too late are the main cause.
  • If you drink alcohol in heavy amounts for a long duration of time, you may experience liver damage, including cancer or liver failure.
  • Too much of eating foods.
  • Consuming too much preservatives, additives, food coloring, and artificial sweetener.
  • Not urinating in the morning also causes liver damage.
  • If you take medications such as cholesterol-lowering drugs, aspirin, ibuprofen or antibiotics, you may develop liver damage as a result.
  • Skipping breakfast in the morning also main cause for liver damage.
  • Poisonous chemicals that you may come into contact with, such as carbon tetrachloride, trichloroethylene and paraquat, can cause liver damage if you are exposed.
  • Consuming unhealthy cooking oil. As much as possible reduce cooking oil use when frying.
  • Do not consume fried foods when you are tired, except if the body is too fit.  

Tuesday 8 January 2013

Tips to promote a Healthy Voice

Voice problems usually are associated with hoarseness (also known as roughness), instability, or problems with voice endurance. Everyone wants to keep there voice healthy but it is particularly important for peoples have occupation such as singers, doctors, teachers, lawyers, nurse, sales persons and public speakers. Voice problems arise from different variety of sources including infection, cancer or injury.

Tips to promote a Healthy Voice

Tips for Healthy Voice:
  • Drink plenty of water because nothing is better than water. Keeping your body well hydrated by drinking plenty of water each day (6-8 glasses) is essential to maintaining a healthy voice. Foods containing large amounts of water are excellent hydration-conscious snacks, including apples, pears, watermelon, grapes, plums, etc.
  • Stop smoking as smoking is irritating to throat and vocal tissues. Smoking also causes inflammation and polyps of the vocal cords that can make the voice very husky, hoarse, and weak.
  • Don't abuse or misuse your voice. Avoid yelling or screaming, and try not to talk loudly in noisy areas.
  • When giving a speech or presentation, consider using a microphone to lessen the strain on your voice.
  • When you are sick, spare your voice. Don't talk when you're hoarse due to a cold or infection. Listen to what your voice is telling you.
  • Consider voice therapy. A speech-language pathologist who is experienced in treating voice problems can provide education on healthy use of the voice and instruction in proper voice techniques.
  • Include plenty of whole grains, fruits, and vegetables in your diet. These foods contain vitamins A, E, and C. They also help keep the mucus membranes that line the throat healthy. 

Monday 7 January 2013

Health Benefits of Almonds

Health Benefits of Almonds

Almonds are not only delicious, versatile, and portable, but are nutritionally beneficial on a number of levels. Some of those nutrients are similar to the ones in whole grains, but without all the starch. The health benefits of almonds include getting relief from constipation, respiratory disorders, cough, hearth disorders, anemia, impotency, and diabetes. It also helps in hair care, skin care (psoriasis), and dental care. Although almonds are high in fat and calories, eating them in moderation can actually help with weight loss.Almonds are also known to have great medicinal value.

Health Benefits of Almonds:
  • Almond is a source of many nutrients which help in development of the brain. Almond induces high intellectual level and has been considered as an essential food item for growing children.
  • Almond also helps in preventing heart disease by strengthening the heart muscles and lowering the bad cholesterol level while simultaneously increasing the good cholesterol levels.
  • Almond milk is recommended for obese people because it helps in reducing weight.
  • Almonds are rich in manganese, riboflavin, and copper, all of which aid in energy production. If you are always on the go, try making your own almond based energy bar, and take your energy with you.

  • Almonds also have a stabilizing effect on sugar and insulin levels after meals, offering protection from diabetes.
  • Almond improves the movement of food through the colon, thereby preventing colon cancer.
  •  Almonds are also known to enhance one’s beauty. It is a vital ingredient in face packs and enhances a fair complexion. It can also make your hair soft and shiny.
  •  Almonds are dense in fiber and help in the prevention of constipation. It is also advisable to drink a lot of water after eating almonds.
  • Almonds are good in pregnancy as it contains folic acid it helps to reduce the incidence of birth defects in newborn babies.
  • Almonds contains potassium which helps in regulating blood pressure and since it is low in sodium, it helps in controlling blood pressure.

Stroke Symptoms

Stroke is a brain attack. It is much like a heart attack, only it occurs in the brain. Like a heart attack, stroke is a medical emergency. When the blood supply to a part of the brain is cut off or greatly decreased, a stroke occurs. If the blood supply is cut off for several hours or more, the brain cells, without enough blood supply get die. Stroke symptoms may develop suddenly or progress over time. The important thing is what you do if stroke symptoms occur. The sooner the treatment is taken, the less chance of serious damage to the brain. And this means less chance of permanent disability.

Stroke Symptoms

The symptoms of stroke may include the following:
  • Numbness or weakness in your face, arm, or leg, especially on one side.
  • Sudden trouble in speaking as the words sounds fine but do not make sense. 
  • You may seem uncoordinated and stumble or have difficulty walking or difficulty picking up objects. 
  • Sudden confusion or trouble in understanding simple statements.
  • Difficult with walking or standing or inability to do anything.
  • Loss of balance, clumsiness
  • A sudden, severe headache that is different from past headaches. Some people have called this the worst headache of their lives. 
  • Sudden changes in vision such as double vision, dimness, blurring or blindness in one or both the eyes.
  • You may become unconscious or hard to arouse and could die.
  • Sudden nausea or vomiting would happen. 

Friday 4 January 2013

Health Benefits of Good Night Sleep

Sleep makes you feel better, but its importance goes way beyond just boosting your mood or banishing under eye circles. Adequate sleep is a key part of a healthy lifestyle and it can also benefit your weight, heart, mind and more. It is said that most adults usually need seven to eight hours of sleep each night. Some adults may only need five hours, while others may need 10 hours.

Health Benefits of Good Night Sleep

Benefits of Sleep:
  • During sleep you can strengthen memories and your mind is surprisingly busy while you are sleeping.
  • With a good sleep you can love longer. Too much or too little sleep is associated with a shorter lifespan.
  • Deep sleep provides benefits for many of the cells in your body. In addition, the rate of breakdown of proteins during sleep is reduced.
  • Watching your weight can be as simple as getting a good night sleep. Lack of sleep can make you put on weight by drastically slowing your metabolism down. Also getting plenty of sleep may prevent to weight gain. 
  • Getting a good night sleep can also help with how you interact with people. During deep sleep, activity in certain areas of your brain such as those involved in how you interact socially and controls your emotions, is reduced.
  • If you don’t get a good sleep, it can affect your mood, which may also affect your memory and learning.
  • Sleep can definitely reduce levels of stress and with that people can have better control of their blood pressure.
  • A lack of sleep can contribute to depression. Sleep well means more to over well-being than simply avoiding irritability.
  • A good night sleep makes you feel energized and alert the next day. Being engaged and active not only feels great, it increases your chances for another good night sleep.
  • More than half of us will have problems concentrating after sleeping badly. So with a good sleep you can concentrate better. 

Thursday 3 January 2013

Treatment of Water Therapy

Treatment of Water Therapy

Water Therapy has magical effects in curing diseases. Most of the peoples have experienced a positive change in their health after implementing water therapy in their daily routine. Relief from stress, weight loss, glowing skin, feeling fresh and energetic throughout the day and good digestion are some of the major benefits of water therapy. Some of the diseases that water therapy can cure include headache, cough, asthma, diabetes, bad breath, kidney stones, cancer, etc.

Method of treatment of Water Therapy:

You can prevent and even get rid of health problems by only drinking water. All you have to do is strictly follow these instructions.
Water Therapy
  • As you wake up in the morning before brushing teeth, drink 4-6 glasses of water each of 160 ml.
  • Start with drinking 3-4 glasses of water if you are unable to drink 5-6 glasses of water in the beginning.
  • Brush and clean the mouth but do not eat or drink anything for 45 minutes. After 45 minutes you may eat and drink as normal.
  • Avoid taking alcoholic beverages the previous night.
  • After 15 minutes of breakfast, lunch and dinner do not eat or drink anything for two hours.
  • Drinking water in the morning increases the production of new blood and muscle cells.
  • Those who are old or sick and are unable to drink four glasses of water at the beginning may commence by taking little water and gradually increase it to four glasses per day.
  • Though who are suffering from Arthritis or Rheumatism drink water thrice a day. You should drink 1.5 liters of water each time. You should continue this routine for one week. After one week you can drink 1.5 liter twice a day till the disease is cured. 
  • Consult your doctor to find out whether water therapy will suit your body or not if you are ill or are already having a health problem.
  • The above method of treatment will cure diseases of the sick and others can enjoy a healthy life.

Wednesday 2 January 2013

Simple spices to reduce High Blood Pressure

Simple spices to reduce High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure can be due to many factors like stress, obesity, excessive salt consumption, alcohol, smoking or lack of exercise. High blood pressure leads to heart attacks and strokes aside from also causing kidney failure. Besides usual as food flavoring, various herbs and spices, it can help lower your cholesterol and high blood pressure. Observing a healthy balanced diet and enjoying an active, healthy lifestyle can help avoid the risk of high blood pressure as well as reduce one that is already elevated.

Below spices are used to control this health problem:


The content in Allicin (an antioxidant) in garlic has many anti-bacterial and anti-hypertension properties. Consumption of 2-3 cloves of raw garlic regularly can control your blood pressure levels. . In China and many other countries, garlic is considered as a natural medicine to cure blood pressure problems. The benefit of eating garlic is, it will normalize low or high blood pressure but would not harm the normal blood pressure levels.


Just like Garlic, onion consumed without cooking or processed into juice, is believed to stabilize blood pressure levels. Red onions contain quercetin that improves blood circulation in the body, increases production of blood and also reduces the chances of heart stroke.


Commonly known as Tulsi in India, this herb can help you get control over high blood pressure. Basil cleans the blood vessels and helps balance the high blood pressure.


Sodium can increase your blood pressure levels. So, it is best to avoid excessive consumption of salt. Instead, sprinkle rosemary on your foods. The healthy spice can be really good to cure hypertension.


The spice can be really beneficial to cure hypertension. It contains anti-fungal properties like thymol and carvacrol that reduces arterial, systolic and diastolic blood pressures.