Wednesday 2 January 2013

Simple spices to reduce High Blood Pressure

Simple spices to reduce High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure can be due to many factors like stress, obesity, excessive salt consumption, alcohol, smoking or lack of exercise. High blood pressure leads to heart attacks and strokes aside from also causing kidney failure. Besides usual as food flavoring, various herbs and spices, it can help lower your cholesterol and high blood pressure. Observing a healthy balanced diet and enjoying an active, healthy lifestyle can help avoid the risk of high blood pressure as well as reduce one that is already elevated.

Below spices are used to control this health problem:


The content in Allicin (an antioxidant) in garlic has many anti-bacterial and anti-hypertension properties. Consumption of 2-3 cloves of raw garlic regularly can control your blood pressure levels. . In China and many other countries, garlic is considered as a natural medicine to cure blood pressure problems. The benefit of eating garlic is, it will normalize low or high blood pressure but would not harm the normal blood pressure levels.


Just like Garlic, onion consumed without cooking or processed into juice, is believed to stabilize blood pressure levels. Red onions contain quercetin that improves blood circulation in the body, increases production of blood and also reduces the chances of heart stroke.


Commonly known as Tulsi in India, this herb can help you get control over high blood pressure. Basil cleans the blood vessels and helps balance the high blood pressure.


Sodium can increase your blood pressure levels. So, it is best to avoid excessive consumption of salt. Instead, sprinkle rosemary on your foods. The healthy spice can be really good to cure hypertension.


The spice can be really beneficial to cure hypertension. It contains anti-fungal properties like thymol and carvacrol that reduces arterial, systolic and diastolic blood pressures.