Sunday 27 January 2013

Dangerous Acts – After a Meal

  • Don’t Smoke – If we smoke a single cigarette after having a meal, which is equal to 10 cigarettes, and it results in a cancer in high.
  • Don’t Eat Fruits Immediately – Immediately eating fruits after meals means the stomach will bloated with air. So have fruits 2 hours after a meal or 1 hour before a meal.
  • Don’t Drink Tea – It will cause so difficult to digest the food, because tea leaves contains a acid, it will affect the protein contain in the food.
  • Don’t Loosen Your Belt – It will cause the intestine, easily to blocked and twisted.
  • Don’t Bathe – It will increase the blood circulation to the hands, legs, and body, So that the blood flow around the stomach will be decreased and, this will affect the digestive system.
  • Don’t Walk About – Walking after a meal, it will not allow to absorb the nutrition from the food, which we had.
  • Don’t Sleep Immediately – The food fails to digest properly, and it will cause some gastric problems to our intestine.

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