Monday 7 January 2013

Stroke Symptoms

Stroke is a brain attack. It is much like a heart attack, only it occurs in the brain. Like a heart attack, stroke is a medical emergency. When the blood supply to a part of the brain is cut off or greatly decreased, a stroke occurs. If the blood supply is cut off for several hours or more, the brain cells, without enough blood supply get die. Stroke symptoms may develop suddenly or progress over time. The important thing is what you do if stroke symptoms occur. The sooner the treatment is taken, the less chance of serious damage to the brain. And this means less chance of permanent disability.

Stroke Symptoms

The symptoms of stroke may include the following:
  • Numbness or weakness in your face, arm, or leg, especially on one side.
  • Sudden trouble in speaking as the words sounds fine but do not make sense. 
  • You may seem uncoordinated and stumble or have difficulty walking or difficulty picking up objects. 
  • Sudden confusion or trouble in understanding simple statements.
  • Difficult with walking or standing or inability to do anything.
  • Loss of balance, clumsiness
  • A sudden, severe headache that is different from past headaches. Some people have called this the worst headache of their lives. 
  • Sudden changes in vision such as double vision, dimness, blurring or blindness in one or both the eyes.
  • You may become unconscious or hard to arouse and could die.
  • Sudden nausea or vomiting would happen. 

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