Sunday 30 December 2012

Efficiency and Health Benefits of Guava

Efficiency and Health Benefits of Guava
Guava is another tropical fruit which is rich in nutrition. Guavas are often regarded as one of the super foods and also one of the most nutritious fruits. This fruit is like the shape of pear, with green rind and pinkish or white flesh and small seeds. Some people say Guava is better than orange because guava contain more Vitamin C than and it contains appreciable amounts of Vitamin A as well. The health benefits of guava include treatment of diarrhea, dysentery, constipation, cough, cold, skin care, high blood pressure, weight loss, scurvy, etc.
10 Health benefits of Guava fruit:
Health Benefits of Guava
  • Guava is a laxative fruit. Being a rich source of dietary fiber, it helps to cure constipation.
  • Magnesium in guavas helps to relax the nerves and muscles in the body.
  • Guavas are low in calories and fats but contain several vital vitamins, minerals, and antioxidant poly-phenolic and flavonoid compounds that play a pivotal role in prevention of cancers, anti-aging, immune-booster, etc.
  • Guava is packed with vitamins and minerals that help to keep the skin healthy, fresh and wrinkle free.
  • Guavas are very good sources of vitamin A, the nutrient best known for preserving and improving eyesight.
  • Guava is rich in Vitamin C which helps to prevent the viral infections like cold and cough. It also effectively helps in treating scurvy.
  • One cup of guava is packed with almost the same potassium as bananas. Potassium works as an important factor in regulating blood pressure by reversing the role of sodium in unbalancing normal blood pressure.
  • Regular guava consumption can also do the skin good through its vitamin E content. Vitamin E helps maintain healthy skin through its antioxidant properties.
  • Guava is a cholesterol free fruit. It satisfies and keeps the stomach free from hunger for a long time. It assists in weight reduction and helps to control diabetes.
  • Guava should be consumed regularly if you want to avoid heart attack.

Friday 28 December 2012

Health drinks for Men

Health drinks for Men

It is important for everyone to engage in healthy living practices, regardless of age, gender or physical fitness level, it is especially important to begin these good habits early on in life. Health is of prime importance for men also because Health is Wealth for Men. Men can use green vegetables, fruits, eggs and fish as healthy food. Not only the healthy food but healthy drinks for men are also very important to sustain and maintain quality healthy and overall fitness.

It is impossible to maintain and manage good health. Just try to add healthy foods and healthy drinks for men in your daily diet plan and you will see the results. Health drinks for men keeps them energetic. Just imagine your life without water so water is the first recommended healthy drink for men.
Health drinks for Men

Healthy drinks for men include water, fruit fluids and some health beverages. Water is a natural healthy drink for men that keep a man fresh, alive, active and hydrated till long hours. Water is a natural drink which is full of vitamins, minerals and enzymes. At least 8-12 glasses of pure water are essential for good health.

After water, tea and coffee is most consumed beverages in the world. Beside the high consumption, tea and coffee are considered as healthy drinks for men also. Green tea is also very good for health. It protects you from heart diseases, stroke and diabetes. Milk is a major source of calcium and Vitamin D. It is also observed that many people don’t like to take cow’s milk. In this case, soya milk and skimmed milk is good for them as they are good source of nutrients and protein.

Thursday 27 December 2012

Coffee affects Kidney

Coffee affects Kidney

Coffee is the most popular drink in the world. It is consumed by millions of people everyday because of the morning pickup it provides, coffee also provides health benefits. Coffee also has a variety of effects on your body. Too much coffee can have detrimental effects on your body, including your kidneys. It contains a substance called caffeine. Caffeine can be naturally found not only in coffee but tea and chocolate. Generally Caffeine is harmless but some people have negative effects like headaches, stomach upset, and jitters.

Coffee also affects the kidney function. The kidneys are a bean shaped organ that is located near the middle of your back, just below the rib cage. Their function is to filter waste products from the blood stream, control the volume of blood within the body and produce hormones that control red blood cell production, blood pressure and bone development.

Here are the effects of coffee (or caffeine) on kidney function:
  • Caffeine increases urine production in the kidney. High coffee intake over six cups in a 24-hour period results in an increased urine output. 
  • Caffeine intake has to be controlled or it can cause the painful medical situation of kidney stones. People prone to kidney stones ought to control their intake of coffee to less than two cups.
  • The long-term use of caffeine had on renal failure.
  • Coffee can increase the risk of urinary incontinence, especially if you drink more than 400 mg of caffeine a day.
  • Since coffee has diuretic effects, you have to make sure that your fluid intake is enough to prevent dehydration. Dehydration is harmful for the kidney because it can cause acute injury and promote infection on the kidney and also urinary system. 

Tuesday 25 December 2012

Causes or Reasons of Headache

Headaches are very common thing that you will hear. Almost all of us have experienced headache at one stage or another. Headache is a pain which a person senses in his nerves and muscles of head and the neck. Not only head and neck but also it can be in covering or brain or any area of the Spinal cord. The causes of headache may be due to physical or emotional. As you see reasons for headaches are plenty.

Causes and Reasons of Headache
Reasons For Headaches:
  • Tension happens to be causing headache, since the brain is pressurized with lot of stress. 
  • The hot weather is also one of the reasons because when the temperature rises, so does the incidence of migraine or severe headache.
  • High blood pressure also rushes the blood into the capillaries of the brain, which triggers the pain sensory. 
  • If you wear glasses or contact lenses, your eyesight may have changed and you may require a new prescription.
  • Caused by stress, hormonal imbalance, nutrients deficiencies can lead to headaches. 
  • If you miss a meal, your head can start to understand that it hurts before you are hungry.
  • Even the hair can affect your head because tight ponytail can strain the connective tissue on the scalp, creating a headache.
  • Diabetics are also one of the reasons for headache.

Sunday 23 December 2012

Yoga keeps you fit and healthy

Yoga keeps you fit and healthy

Yoga is a popular form of workouts as everyone in these days for practicing this eagerly. Yoga is the best way to relax your body and mind. People of all ages and physical abilities have been practicing yoga for more than 5,000 years for general well-being. Yoga is a great way to connect with your inner self and stay healthy at the same time. Through its deep breathing, stretching, mindful exercise, yoga is also an effective method to keep most stress-related diseases away.

Yoga practices can also make you fit by doing fitness formula consisted of daily asanas (poses) and pranayama (breath work). It makes the body more flexible and helps you relax even in the midst of a stress stricken environment. Yogasanas are sate and effective for people of all ages and different body types. Yoga benefits in physiological, psychological, biochemical etc. This is also best for asthma patients as adults who suffered from asthma experienced that Yoga increased quality of life and reduced asthma symptoms after 10 weeks of yoga practice.

On the one hand yoga helps increase strength and flexibility; it also helps with weight loss when you reach middle age. Researchers studied that people who are overweight in their middle age and who practiced yoga daily for over a decade lost considerable amount of weight. It also makes you feel younger and gives a glow in your face and keeps you healthy.

Friday 21 December 2012

Cancer prevention tips

Cancer prevention tips

Cancer is a very dangerous and complex disease. Many people think cancer is entirely genetic and cannot be avoided, but that's not true. If you have healthy lifestyle then you won’t get cancer. Some cancers are preventable, and people can cut their risk by maintaining some positive health steps. Healthy behavior is also one of the main reasons to prevent cancer.
Smoking causes cancer

Tips to reduce the risk of cancer:

  • You need to stop smoking as it is linked to at least three in 10 cancer deaths.
  • Eat more vegetables and fruits and keep meat portions small because they are filled with cancer-fighting antioxidants.
  • Avoid deep fat frying. Instead, use low fat cooking methods like roasting, baking, broiling, steaming or poaching. Also, choose low-fat or non-fat milk and yogurt.
  • Keep a physically active lifestyle by brisk walking, biking, dancing or any exercise that raises your heart rate.
  • Moderate drinking is good for the heart, as many people already know, but it can also increase the risk of cancer. 
  • Try to sleep around 8 to 10 hours per day in darkness this able to prevent cancer.  
  • Heavy salt intake is associated with cancer of the stomach. 

 These tips will be helpful information on how to decrease your risk of cancer. So take control of your health, and encourage your family to do the same. 

Tips to keep a healthy heart

 Heart is one of the most important organs in human body. It is known as the epicenter of all your emotions, new ideas and inspirations. Keeping your heart healthy is very important and it is essential as well. A strong heart is a result of healthy lifestyle choices. You can try following some of these tips in your everyday routine to keep your heart healthy.
Tips to keep a healthy heart

  • Avoid smoking because a smoker is twice more likely to have heart attack than a non-smoker.
  • Eat fish at least twice a week.
  • Limit your salt intake, as too much salt can cause high blood pressure, which increases the risk of developing coronary heart disease.
  • Manage your weight as being overweight can increase your risk of heart disease.
  • Clear your mind with a walk as it helps to put your ideas in order and reduce tension.
  • At least aim for 30 minutes of moderate exercise a day. Keeping you fit not only benefits the heart but also improves mental health and well-being.
  • Laughter is the best therapy for as it makes you feel light. 

Wednesday 19 December 2012

Tips to stay Mentally Healthy

Mental Health

Good mental health is a sense of well being, confidence and self-esteem. If we are mentally healthy then we can form positive relationship and deal with life’s challenges. You can improve your mental health by regular exercise, to get enough sleep, express your feelings, spend your time with friends and family, relax and enjoy your hobbies. Learn or discover new things and limit unhealthy mental habits like worrying.

A mental illness is a health problem that significantly affects how a person thinks, behaves and interacts with other people. It results from complex interactions between the mind, body and environment. The causes of mental illness includes long term stress, use of alcohol, drugs and other substances, financial problems, family breakdown or violence.  Instead of expecting everything in your life to go smoothly, you can try to overcome all those problems in life and take it as easy going.  

Tuesday 18 December 2012

Tips for better Eyesight

tips for better eyesight

Nowadays many peoples are facing vision problem which can’t be corrected so easily. Eye is the most valuable organ which has to be protected carefully. It is the windows to the world and the eyes are always moving, even when you sleep. In fact, the eyes have over 2 million working parts and the ability to process 35 bits of information every hour. So don’t make your eye turn blind by not protecting it properly. 

10 Tips for Healthy Eyes
  • Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables like oranges and other citrus fruits or juices regularly. 
  • Eating foods like green leafy vegetables, egg, nuts, beans and other non meat protein sources can lead to good healthy eyes
  • Protect your eyes from sunlight because over exposure of rays can cause a number of problems. 
  • Do keep thin cucumber slices over your eyes.
  • Try to sleep eight ours per day and after getting up from sleep face your face with cold water. 
  • Take frequent break from computer to prevent eyestrain and tiredness. 
  • Drinking lemon juice once in a day helps for better eyesight
  • Drink carrot and cucumber juice with 1 tsp of honey. 
  • Exercises are also essential for having bright eyes. 
  • Smoking is dangerous for heart and lungs and it also causes harm for eyes. So it’s better to quit smoking habit. 

Monday 17 December 2012

Health benefits of Papaya

health benefits of papaya

Papaya is the evergreen fruit which is found in the market throughout the year. This fruit can be consumed by peoples of all age groups. Papayas are high in Vitamin C and this vitamin is also called ascorbic acid. Papaya contains more vitamin c than any other fruits like orange. Like the banana tree nearly every part of the papaya tree is said to be useful and medical value.

The healthy benefits of papaya are that this fruit is easily digestible. The juice of unripe fruit is used in preparation of various remedies for indigestion. Papaya has also been found to have anti-cancerous properties and also helps in prevention of gallstones. If you are having tooth pain, then take a piece of cotton and soak it with the white milk coming out from the fruit. Placing this cotton over the aching tooth gives quick relief from toothache. People having high blood pressure should have 55 grams of fresh papaya on a empty stomach. But should not eat or drink for up to one and a half hours. Papaya also prevents stokes and heart attacks