Friday 22 March 2013

Simple ways to stay Happy

Simple ways to stay Happy

If you are bored or unhappy about certain things in your life and if you want to change it to the positive way then this article will help you out on how to make your lives happy. It is not always easy to keep a positive frame of mind and think happy thoughts when dealing with everyday situations.  You can, however, choose how you will react to these situations. Even if you can only make yourself feel a little bit better, you’ll already have changed the energy surrounding your thoughts.
  • Surround yourself with the right activities and the right friends that bring opportunities for happiness into your life.
  • Instead of worrying about your tomorrow while you have dinner with your family, focus on the here and now- the food, the company and the conversation.
  •  By creating crafts with your own hands and adding pictures of yourself, you will make the vibrations even stronger. 
  • There is nothing like writing down your tasks to help you organize your thoughts and calm your anxiety.
  • Instead of making huge goals for yourself, make them shorter and easier to accomplish.


Sunday 3 March 2013

Health Benefits of Ice Cream

Health Benefits of Ice Cream

Everyone loves to eat ice creams. But being conscious about the weight, many of them avoid having this delicious dessert. Composition of ice cream containing energy, protein, and saturated fat are always blamed as the culprit of obesity. Ice cream is not just a sweet cold tasty snack we enjoy on a hot summery day or when we are having a mental break down. 

Ice Cream
The nutrients in ice cream are beneficial to the health. The nutrient in it helps keep our bones and muscles healthy and strong. Ice cream is not the cause of cough and cold. Because, when it entered the mouth, ice cream will melt quickly. Ice cream melting rapidly accelerated by the influence of body temperature, so that when the ice cream into the esophageal temperature was not as cold as ice water. 

Calcium in ice cream protects the teeth and builds strong gums. So, now think again before you stop your child from having a scoop of ice cream. An ice cream made with low fat ingredients such as skimmed milk has more health benefits. Those of you who eat ice cream regularly are actually helping your skin stay healthy and young looking and feeling because of all the vitamin A in it. Chocolate ice creams are also beneficial for the body. If you are heart patient, have chocolate ice cream. They are rich in flavonoids that reduce artery inflammation. 

Friday 1 March 2013

Crossing legs is dangerous habit

Crossing legs is dangerous habit

Crossing the legs seems harmless but excessively crossing your legs can lead to numerous health problems. It is recommended that not crossing legs for long periods as one of the first steps in preventing varicose veins, or slowing down their progression, as well as decreasing pain and other symptoms. Stopping yourself from crossing your legs might sound simple, but most people do it without ever thinking about it. It makes for an extremely difficult habit to break. 

Crossing your legs can cause the following health problems:
  • Blood flow: Frequently crossing your legs can cause poor leg circulation.  This may lead to leg cramps, numbness, cold, pain, and fatigue. Additionally, any part of the body that suffers from poor circulation can throw off the entire circulatory balance of your entire body.  
  • Posture: When you cross your legs frequently, it puts unnatural pressure on your hips, spine, and back which can have a negative effect on your posture.
  • Heart: Crossing your legs puts pressure on the veins underneath your knees. This restricts blood flow and can cause an unnecessary burden on the heart.
  • Varicose Veins: Crossing your legs is known to be one of the factors in producing varicose veins.  These veins aren't only visually unappealing, but they could cause numerous health problems including leg pain, burning, throbbing, tingling and an increase in fatigue.

Crossing legs
Proper way to sit in a chair:
  • Sit with your feet flat on the ground. If you're short, put a box or stool under your feet to lift them.
  • Keep your knees lower than your hips. If you're tall, sit on a wedge or seat cushion to raise your body.
  • Your arms should be supported by arm rests without forcing your shoulders up toward your ears.
  • Keep your shoulder blades back and down, elevate your chest, and draw in your tummy. 

Foods that increase Cancer Risk

Cancer is a disease that can be caused by hereditary and environmental factors. It is proved that limiting the consumption of some foods could prevent or delay the onset of cancer. Cancer promoting foods are typically rich in refined sugars, processed carbohydrates, preservatives and deep frying. The key to avoiding cancer causing foods is to know which ingredients are carcinogens or cancer promoters and then reading food labels to permanently avoid consuming those ingredients.

Foods that increase Cancer Risk

Here is some of the worst food that increases the risk of Cancer:

Hot Dogs: It is recommended that children should not eat more than 12 hot dogs per month because of the risk of cancer.
Fried Potatoes: Fried foods increase one’s risk of developing cancer, especially when they contain hydrogenated oil and trans fat.
Soda: It is loaded with calories, sugar, and artificial ingredients and has no nutritional benefits. One can of soda contains the equivalent of packets of sugar.
Doughnuts: Doughnuts contain hydrogenated oils, white flour, and sugar. They are one of the worst cancer foods you can possibly eat.
Burned Meats: These meats almost always contain the same sodium that is found in hot dogs. They are high in saturated fat, which contributes to the risk of cancer, including breast cancer.